Using this resource, students learn how to:
- evaluate whether they are expressing their anger in healthy or unhealthy ways,
- analyze their anger in various situations, and
- use effective anger management strategies when they are angry.
Difficulties often arise when students express their anger in inappropriate, harmful ways or in situations that don’t necessarily warrant anger. These lessons help prevent this from happening! Students benefit from learning how to analyze their anger to ensure that it is appropriate to the situation and appropriately expressed in a way that does not harm themselves, others, or things.
Teach students anger management strategies using the no-prep, scripted student slideshow and have them personalize the lesson with the worksheets and activities provided. Use the individual lesson included in this resource to instruct specific students who have difficulty controlling their anger. A group activity promotes engagement and adds F-U-N to the lesson!
✏️ The tier-one universal lesson educates students (individually, in small groups, or the whole class) about ANGER using a scripted slideshow.
✏️ The tier-three targeted lesson guides specific students through the process of analyzing their anger. When assisting specific students who have difficulty managing their anger, this lesson lets the student dissect what is happening and customize an anger management plan with the student.
- Lesson Guide/Instructions for Whole-Class Lesson
- 22-slide Student Slideshow with the Script
- (.pdf and .pptx formats, not editable, 16:9 ratio)
- Instructions for the Individual Student Lesson
- I’M ANGRY Flowchart
- A Customizable I’M ANGRY Flowchart for Students to Complete When Doing the Individual Lesson
- I’M ANGRY Scenarios
- Students practice using the “I feel ___ because ___. I will feel better when ___” format.
- My ANGER Worksheet
- 4-7-8 Deep Breathing
- Counting Strategy
- Definitions of ANGER Words
- Twelve ANGER Words for an Optional Activity
- An ANGRY! Self-Monitoring Form for Students
⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ What educators say:
My students enjoyed the powerpoint and it gave them a better understanding of what it means to be angry. We talked about strategies they can use and what is not acceptable. Thank you for the wonderful resource.–Nancy H.
Super helpful to use with an individual student working on anger and regulation strategies. Thank you!–Jamie H.
I purchased this resource to add to my SEL unit on anger management. Thank you for this resource! –M.
American School Counselor Association’s Mindsets & Behavior Standards:
- Mindset 1. Belief in development of whole self, including a healthy balance of mental, social/emotional and physical well-being
- Behavior Self-Management Skill 2. Demonstrate self-discipline and self-control
- Behavior Self-Management Skill 7. Demonstrate effective coping skills when faced with a problem
- Behavior Social Skill 9. Demonstrate social maturity and behaviors appropriate to the situation and environment
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This lesson is part of an SEL bundle, described here:
The INTENSE EMOTIONS BUNDLE includes guidance lessons on emotional regulation, the brain-body-emotions connection, calming strategies, and specific lessons on anger, anxiety/worry, and fear. Use the lessons with whole classes, small groups, and/or individual students. The bundle contains six SEL lessons with scripted slideshows and numerous activities, worksheets, and handouts. Additionally, the bundle includes two tier-three anger management lessons. The INTENSE EMOTIONS BUNDLE is “ready to use” and full of interactive, engaging activities.