Over the years, one thing I’ve learned is that a friendly chat, a few words of encouragement, or a five-minute “touching base with” conversation can go a LONG way with students. It is rewarding to see the appreciation in students’ faces when you take a little time to intentionally talk…
Those Pesky Critters……….
School is back in session. The children gather and lots of little heads are in one place. With that comes all they bring with them. Time for reading , writing and head lice. Yes, lice. They are in your school, and in your classrooms. You can use this PowerPoint…
Today, teachers face enormous pressure to raise test scores. We feel like we never have enough time to get to all our content. You can gain more time to teach content by mastering the skills listed below! This list of skills is essential to a well run classroom. Take the year to work…
One School Nurse + One Behavior Specialist + One School Psychologist = The Untested ESSENTIALS of Learning A square peg in a round hole is an idiomatic expression which describes the unusual individualist who could not fit into a niche of his or her society.[1] ^ Wallace, Irving. (1957) The…
What Are YOU Willing To Do Differently In Order To Have Your Student Behave Differently?
Emails frequently come in, asking for assistance regarding students who are, for a whole host of reasons, not learning. Inattentive. Defiant. Disrupting the learning of others. Not doing her work. Out of his seat. Blurting out. Hitting others. Tantruming. Anxious. The list goes on and on… This is not an…